Boundri is a unique digital solution that allows you to personalize printed map based products using pictures from aerial and satellite photos from areas of the world that are special to you.
Experience With Maps
It’s founder Nathan Faleide, has been involved in the mapping world for over 30 years using various types of imagery from satellites, aerial planes, and even drones. He knows maps and wants to share that experience with you.

Natural Harmony
With this background the one thing Nathan realized is that while most mapping information has been showcased digitally, there has been a missing element to showing the beauty and functionality of physically printed mapping products. This is where Boundri came to be in allowing anyone to easily find a area of the world that they know or are tied to while being able to physically see and share it.

A new way to enjoy a birds eye views
The first flagship product came from Nathan’s love for Agriculture and Farm Toys in creating kids farm play rugs of farmland that their parents or relatives actually farm and/or own. Some will call it carpet farming.
The excitement a kid feels when carpet farming their families farm land while learning how it actually looks like from above is something you can see in our clients on social media.
Now we’ve expanded beyond just the play rugs into a plethora of other types of products like clothing, drinkware, decor, blankets, pillows, wall prints, and much more.
Truly making things like this with unique personalized maps is something you won’t find many places if at all. Play around through our mapping system Product Builder for Free and get a taste of what your favorite places look on the variety of products we have.