Everyone usually has some questions from time to time and here are some answers to some common ones we’ve experienced so far. If you can’t find what you are looking for here please contact us directly.

While you can provide us with something if you have it, we already have or can get the imagery you want wherever. We have over 30 years in experience working with satellite, aerial, and drone imagery so while we do have data already in our mapping system called Product Builder, we sometimes have to grab data from other places too. If you can’t find what you are wanting just contact us and we will help in the process of finding what you want and where.
There are times imagery can be used from those sources and as an individual for personal use you typically can do that. The problem becomes with licensing for businesses like us. We do have to adhere to specific mapping licenses to show and print the imagery we show. For businesses, places like Google or Bing have very specific rules regarding selling and distribution of imagery data. We are in the works of adding other sources like they use rest assured.
If you do find that an image you see somewhere else is what you would like, let us know directly and we will try to figure out a solution for you. Use the Contact Us page for these requests.
Not at this time, most of the imagery you see has resolutions from 30cm to 1m. This means the pixels of color you see are that size. This means sometimes certain objects do not show very well when zoomed in really close. Some areas are also better than other areas as all of the images were taken at different times and have been stitched together.
To note, rural high resolution imagery is taken typically every 2 years in the US per state with the main source we use. Sometimes there is other data too, but it varies greatly at this point in time.
There are some instances that this is generally possible, but with our system and with other mapping systems with the high resolution imagery shown it may only be taken once per year at best. In rural areas it typically is a few years old except near large cities. We are implementing more and more data slowly to help mitigate this. Special requests of more timely imagery are possible at an extra cost in certain circumstances.
If you zoom in really close to a farmstead for instance on a large enough rug it can be possible, but depending on imagery in your wanted area it may not look as good as you want. To put it in perspective, a 160 acre field at 1/64th scale would equate to about a 41×41 ft rug. So for instance one of our most popular sizes of play rugs in a 5ft x 7ft, 1/64th scale would be about 3.3 acres or about 300×500 ft. In most cases children don’t seem to be as concerned about this when playing from what we’ve seen and actually like more fields vs farmsteads.
These outdoor based rugs are made of a durable polyester material that also have a semi-sticky backing. We actually have had them at daycares and they stand to that abuse very well.
They can be vacuumed daily and stains or dirt can be cleaned with a little dish soap and water. You could take a hose to them if you need or wash them in a tub and hang dry. We don’t recommend machine washing them as they are not quite as pliable as typical garments, but if you do make sure to use a gentle cycle.
Not at all! We specifically picked a material type that is easy to fold and store away as needed. They might come rolled up, but you will find they can be folded multiple times without issues. You can even use them to catch all the toys typically on them and just throw them in a basket easily. Simple and Easy!
Not a problem. We are here to help you in the process even if we need to setup a one on one video call. Also, sometimes if the system seems like it’s not working a simple refresh of the browser will work to fix it. At the very worst you’d need to just create a new user login. Either way, if you are having issues or questions please contact us through our contact page.
No, with the imagery being utilized there are certain licenses we have to abide by in showcasing them on our products. It is our future hope that we will have some options that do not require this.
Yes, we have over 3000 different variations of products and growing between different sizes to different colors. We are always adding more and more to help you find exactly what you are looking for.
Absolutely! Once you pick the product you want, you can bypass the Create a Map option and just upload your own image. Note, we only can upload .jpg and .png files at the moment and we need files to be less than 50mb.
Yes, much like adding your own map image you can add any type of image you want if it’s the right file type. There is also a simple feature to add text as well such as a family name. The important thing to note though is to make sure it’s away from the edge enough. There is a printing bleed on all products so make sure you are not right on the edge if you can.
You can toggle between different layers within the US currently if you see this issue to mitigate it. Outside of the US this is possible in some areas though we will have to manually add those images currently. If the area you want has these or other issues please contact us directly and we will do our best to help get you what you are looking for.
Our system isn’t that picky so sometimes it is just as easy to start over from scratch. Sometimes you can hit the back button to redo items or if you saved the product as a draft you can re-edit it as well.
7-10 business days is typical, but there are instances it can be quicker. It can also take longer especially if crossing the borders due to customs.
We actually have shipped many products to Canada and yes these issues can exist. While we are still working on ways to make it better we do sometimes recommend that clients that are closer to the border try and use a shipping depot on the US side at times especially for large items like rugs. Also, due to customs if you don’t receive your product within 3 weeks please let us know.
A major note to be aware of is once our items are shipped to Canada and go through customs via DHL typically the local carrier will contact you via phone then email to complete the shipment with you needing to pay the Duty Tax. Make sure to check you phone (voicemail potentially) or email (junk email too) to complete the shipment. If you don’t it’ll be sent back to customs. We unfortunately do not get an notices about this and can’t control this process for you.
While we will be adding new products over time there are some options to add other products to the lineup as we want. It really depends on many processes and the costs involved. You can make custom requests though and we will look at them on a case by case basis
Yes you can. Issues from damage to mis-prints happen from time to time and we have a policy in place that adheres to this here. In short, you have up to 28 days to showcase the issue with pictures and a description in order for us to provide a free reprint. The sooner the better so make sure to check your product once you receive it right away.
As a note: We also typically do not want you to return the product if there is an issue. It just costs you or us more money and it’s easier to just keep it as they are unique to you anyway. In former situations of a mis-print of a play rug, we just suggested that the client gives it away to a local daycare. Sort of a win win in a fun way.